However, previous studies on prevention of gaming disorder and unspecified internet use disorder lacked randomization, follow-up measurements, and diagnostic interviews that assessed incidence rates this trial was intended to fill this gap. Importance Behavioral addictions were introduced as novel mental disorders in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision, based on evidence that human behavior itself can become addictive, similar to addiction to substances.

Parameter Estimates for Multilevel Linear Growth Model Examining Procrastination Symptom ReductionĮTable 8. Correlation Matrix of GD/Unspecified IUD Symptoms With Comorbid Symptoms at BaselineĮTable 7. 12-Months Incidence Rates by Group, Stratified by Baseline Risk of Illness-OnsetĮTable 6. Parameter Estimates for Multilevel Linear Growth Model Examining GD/Unspecified IUD Symptom ReductionĮTable 5.

Level 3 Baseline Data (Means) by SchoolĮTable 4. Descriptive Statistics and Effect Sizes of Primary OutcomesĮTable 3. Descriptive Statistics Separated by GroupĮTable 2. Procrastination Symptom Changes Over 12 MonthsĮTable 1. Flow of Participants for Incidence AnalysisĮFigure 3. The PROTECT Intervention for the Prevention of Gaming Disorder and Unspecified Internet Use DisorderĮFigure 2. Descriptions of Procedure, Outcomes, and Model SpecificationĮFigure 1.